Elite Aesthetic & Cosmetic Clinic offers the most affordable & best hair transplant in Delhi (South Delhi) for individuals who are suffering from mild to severe hair loss. We are the only one to give the most competitive prices on unlimited hair grafts for patients suffering from baldness.

Unlimited Hair Grafts @ Rs.27,999/- only (Limited Time Offer)

Get Dense & Quality Hair with Unlimited Hair Grafts.

This plan is the best for individuals who are suffering from severe hair loss or most bald area. In this UNLIMITED HAIR TRANSPLANT package you will get unlimited hair grafts which will cover complete bald area with dense new grown hair.



(Senior Hair Consultant & Nutritionist)

Dr. Anshula Singh Having 8 years of experience in cosmetology, specializes in peels and laser with excellent results. Having good hand in anti-aging treatments along with the range of advance dermal therapies as laser hair reduction, ND YAG LASER, Photo Rejuvenation for imperfection and premature aging and many more. 

She is registered nutritionist have 6 years experience and delivers excellent results to the patients. Having good knowledge in weight loss and weight gain diet.

Hair Transplant Patient Result

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Hair transplantation/ hair restoration is a surgical procedure done under local anesthesia That rearranges hair in a bald area of scalp by taking the hair grafts from the donor. The area from where hair grafts are obtained is known as the donor area, ie. the back of the head/beard.

The Hair transplantation surgery has been in existence since the 1950s in the U.S, and has been transforming many heads from hairless to densely packed hair head.

Technique has evolved a lot in recent years. There was an era when only men fall prey to hair loss and balding but the hanging lifestyle has made women easy target too and they are suffering from hair thinning, baldness and alopecia much like men, in fact more.

Hair Transplant in South Delhi procedure is widely conducted using two techniques, i.e., FUE and FUT. These techniques allow for plucking the hair bulbs from the donor region (nape, sides) of the patient and implant them to the bald area/thinning area (front, crown, temples, eyebrow, beard, moustache, widened parting).

If performed and applicable appropriately under the standardized clinical protocols, this surgical procedure today gives the most natural and satisfying results in the large majority of cases that lasts long.

The final Result, usually a naturally looking full hair head and hair line is visible 9 -12 includes phases like shedding emergent and maturation after the procedure.

Hair transplant is a great option to consider for hair loss coverage only if the candidate has a sufficient donor area.

The amount of hair that can be withdrawn from the hair bearing donor area is limited, because there is less number of hairs that are DHT resistant and not all harvested hair re-grows. People can have the best results on medium severity baldness and/or androgenetic alopecia.

The hair restored by hair transplantation acts like natural hair and falls between two to four weeks followed by transplant.

The roots thereafter begin sprouting hair organically and continue to do so for a lifetime. Administration of anesthesia makes it a painless procedure and the patient can return home the same day.

Hair Transplant in South Delhi is completely different from the non-invasive hair transplantation in which a pre-chosen base is fixed on scalp with agility. The results from the procedure vary from individual to individual and are linked to individual’s natural hair quality too.


What is the Cost of Hair Transplant in Delhi?


The cost of a hair transplant in Delhi has been brought down to Rs. 27,999 for unlimited grafts. We have put an end to a calculation method where the cost of a hair transplant depends on the no. of grafts. Get unlimited grafts and achieve dense hair, perfect hairline & quality results with one affordable hair transplant package. This offer is designed to provide solutions to the masses & mainly men, who are experiencing severe hair loss.

History of Hair Transplant?


A hair transplant was discovered in the back the late 1950s by Dr. Norman Orentreich, a dermatologist from New York. In 1952, he conducted his first successful hair implementation surgery after several hardships, experiments, and research that were related to treating male baldness.

During this period he studied the physical factors leading to hair loss and different patterns of male baldness. Hair restoration saw a new dawn through the works of Dr. Orentreich in the field of medical science.

As time passed by, this booming phenomenon was accepted by people all over the world. Research was also conducted in Japan and Germany unveiling the possible ways for successful hair transplantation.

Dr. Orentreich treated 200 patients suffering from hair loss problems. He was honored with the title “father of hair transplant surgery”.


Another very important factor to consider for hair transplant candidacy is the severity of the hair loss, or the quantity of donor hair that is available to implant to scanty sites of the scalp.

With the severe hair loss classifications – (Class 7 on the Norwood Scale for males and Class 3 on the Ludwig Scale for women), the amount of donor hair available on patient’s head will identify the final outcomes that can be anticipated from a hair restoration procedure.

A consultation to get an idea of your hair loss classification will clearly set your candidacy about your hair restoration options.

Male Hair Transplant

In today’s world, hair transplant has become a very common thing because people very well know that this is not a complicated process and neither is too expensive.

On a very superficial level, the process is simple and easy going. Hair, follicular, or grafts are taken from the donor and are extensively examined they are extracted and then implanted in the balding area.

There are 2 steps:

  1. Extraction of grafts
  2. Implanting of grafts.

Women Hair Transplant

Naturally, women and male are very different. The way they grow and lose hair is also very different. For women, it is a traumatic phenomenon because their hair is a very big part of their identity.

There are 2 steps:

  1. Extraction of grafts
  2. Implanting of grafts

How to Calculate the Hair Grafts Required?

The required number of hair grafts depends upon the size of the head, the area of baldness, restoration goals, and the type of hair. The calculation is important as it gives a fair idea of how many grafts are required.

Nowadays there are a number of tools available that can help in calculating hair grafts. One of the most recommended graft calculators is the Norwood scale which provides an approximate estimate.

Take a transparent cm2marking graph paper. Place it on your head and mark the bald areas. And multiply it by 45. The number that will come out is the number of hair grafts that you will require.

Other factors determining the cost of hair transplant i.e

There are various factors determining the cost of a hair transplant.

  • The number of hair grafts required is a major factor determining the price
  • Bald area on scalp
  • Hair density required or desired by the person
  • The quality of the hair and the hair implementation technique prescribed
  • Number of sessions allotted
  • And finally GST.

Keeping in mind these factors the final cost is decided.

Types of Hair Transplant

Eyebrow Reconstruction

Hair restoration is also done on eyebrows. Those having thin or fewer eyebrows can avail of this treatment. In this, the patient can reconstruct their eyebrows and have desired looks.

Thinning of eyebrows can be of several factors. It can be because of so some accident, disease, or even genetic. Here the donor area becomes the scalp. As the hair grafts are transplanted, the length of the eyebrow hair increases for the rest of the life.

Trimming is necessary at least once a month to avoid an unnatural look. The person undergoing surgery may experience mild irritation and the affected area becomes pink.

The method of follicle hair transplantation is used in this surgery. The treated person may resume his/her regular activities within a week after the treatment.

Beard & Mustache Reconstruction

Beard & mustache hair transplant reconstruction has become very common nowadays. This treatment is taken up because of certain reasons. There are men who do not have facial hair, who wish to change their looks, hide certain scars, etc.

Loss of beard is another reason for men to go for this surgery. It is a known philosophy that for men, a beard is equal to manhood. In this particular surgery, FUT method is used.

Body Hair Transplant

Body Hair Transplant in Delhi (BHT) is a procedure of transferring the hair grafts from anywhere of the body parts to the recipient area.

It is most appropriate for facial hair transplantation such as Moustache, Beard, Eyebrows reconstruction or in some cases of the burnt & accidental scars, mainly on the moustache, beard or on the eyebrows, which degrade the persons’ beauty and appearance.

The implanted hair grows naturally and hides the scars aesthetically. These hairs can be taken from the chest, armpits, abdomen or anywhere in the body.




Cost of FUE

There are different types of clinics that provide different packages. High-end clinics will offer premium packages with extra facilities.

In India, there are both high-end and standard clinics providing packages of varied price ranges. The concerned person undergoing the treatment will be charged on the basis of per hair graft required.

As the charge is per hair graft, a standard hair graft can be of minimum Rs. 20 – Rs. 50. The total price range can be as low as Rs 30,000 and can go up to Rs 1,50,000. In some places, the price may be including or exclude GST.

The pricing slot may also include charges per session. However, the final amount depends on the area of baldness and the number of hair grafts required.


Follicular unit extraction or FUE is quite different from other hair transplantation methods. Here tissues are not taken off instead hair follicles are extracted from the back side of the head. Follicles are removed one at a time which avoids complications.

No stitches are required in this procedure. The healing time is much faster and the patient experiences much lesser discomfort post-surgery.

Since extraction of hair is involved, the FUE method leaves no scars on the extracted area. The hair-implemented area looks natural and the patient can resume his/her regular activities 2-3 days post-surgery.


With the continuous hard work and research done on hair restoration, this too has certain drawbacks. The FUE process is quite time-consuming. In most cases, it takes more than one visit to complete the procedure. The patient may experience a little discomfort while sleeping for a few days. He/she will experience numbness in the scalp.


Cost of FUT

FUT or Follicle Unit Transplantation has become a regular practice. Various dermatology or skin care centers have different pricing schemes to provide.

Here the pricing also depends on the number of hair follicles to be used. FUT hair transplant costs between Rs 25,000 to Rs 1,50,000. The final cost is also influenced by the number of grafts & sessions necessary for the completion of the treatment.


FUT comes with a bundle of effectiveness. In this procedure, a large number of hair grafts are used. A large number of follicles can be transplanted in one session. The transplantation procedure takes a short span of time when compared to FUE.

This procedure gives skin specialists the chance to utilize the scalp to the fullest which results in fulfilling the desired expectation of the patient. Since the quality of hair is a major factor here, it is generally preferred by most patients.


FUT hair restoration treatment has some temporary side effects which are correctable. Numbness is one of the most common side effects of this surgery. After the treatment, the patient experiences scalp sensation-related issues for 2-6 months.

The area above the donor area (the area from where the hair grafts are extracted) may also become numb. Scalp discoloration is another consequence of this process. A red or pink patch forms on the scalp of the treated person.

Pain persists after the surgery for a few days which causes discomfort or uneasiness. Pimples or boils may also erupt which gradually subside after a numbered day. During the healing process, the affected area tends to become dry hence, leading to itchiness and other problems related to it.

Direct Hair Transplant

Cost of Direct Hair Transplant

Direct hair implementation (DHI) or direct hair transplantation is powered by advanced techniques. It is a comparatively costlier process. The treatment costs around Rs 2,00,000 to Rs 5,00,000.

The final charges depend on the clinic and its terms and conditions. This technique requires expert advice and guidance. Experienced doctors are necessary to conduct this treatment.

There are many low-end clinics that try to entice the audience with a lucrative offer, promising them the same treatment within a cheaper price range. It is recommended not to avail of such offers as it may cause health problems in the long run.


Direct hair implementation is teamed up with a bunch of positive effects. Over the years expert practitioners have developed this method with advanced technology. This implementation focuses on quality.

The results are 100% natural. It is widely practiced and has delivered naturally satisfying results. DHI creates a natural hairline by studying and examining the follicles and understanding their depth of it. In this procedure, the hair grows naturally for the rest of his/her life. It is a painless therapy like FUE and the treated person need not have any stitches. The results are visible after approximately 13-16 weeks of the surgery.


DHI has some disadvantages as well. This is a very expensive process. The therapy costs around in lakhs hence, everybody dealing with hair loss problems cannot afford it. Only people with a high-income group can afford it.



Complications Associated with a Hair Transplant?

There are short-term complications which are associated with hair transplants. These minor after-effects can be cured over time. Pre-existing hair becomes thin. This is a temporary phase because during the surgery the pre-existing hair area becomes the donor area.

From there the hair follicles are extracted and implemented in the bald area. Bleeding is another unavoidable consequence of this therapy. As the treated area undergoes the surgery, after the completion of the procedure the affected part tends to bleed.

Pain is also there even after surgery. The pain lasts for a few days thus making the person feel uneasy. There might be occasional swelling which subsides within a few days after the surgery.

If not taken proper care after the therapy the patient may suffer from infections. When the scalp becomes dry it causes itching and irritation. Proper medication and care must be taken.

In a few cases, the affected area of the patient swells. The swelling stays for 2 to 3 days. Visible scars are there on the treated area. These scars get cured gradually.


Though a hair transplant is not a major surgery, still the body undergoes a lot of trauma. Rest is very necessary for a person during that time. At least 2 days of bed rest is required without fail.

The patient is advised not to do any heavy work for a minimum of a week. A proper diet is required. Spicy food should be avoided. Medicines should be taken on time. Regular checkup is important as it helps to know the progress of the treatment.

Hair should not be washed as long as the doctor asks to do so. Any kind of hair coloring, hair spa, or chemical contact with the hair should be avoided. Following these regulations healing becomes faster.

Ideal Age for Hair Transplant

Baldness may start from the 20s depending on various factors. If baldness is in the family, then genes become one of the factors causing the same. The ideal age for hair transplantation is above the age of 40.

This is because the pattern of baldness can be identified and the correct hair restoration method can be selected for the patient.

Hair Transplant Procedure – Pre-operative Assessment and Planning

Pre-operative assessment is highly recommended as it gives a chance to plan and strategize the next step to be taken. Here the doctor comes to know the medical history of the patient and decides what kind of treatment is required.

The number of grafts needed, the desired density of the hair, etc. is decided in this stage of the treatment.

Post-surgery Care

  • Direct sunlight must be avoided at least for a week.
  • Strenuous activities should not be done.
  • Alcohol should not be consumed.
  • Frequent bending must not be done.
  • Apply ointments and have medicines as prescribed by doctors.
  • Call the doctor if any kind of health problem occurs

Other Treatments that are Effective in Treaqting Hair Loss

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP Treatment in South Delhi)

The ‘state of the art’, ‘safest’, ‘non-surgical’, ‘completely natural’, kind of hair restoration technique in which the patient’s own blood is first taken, centrifuged and then injected into the scalp with a thin needle.

The blood plasma (PRP) consists of active growth factors which helps in encouraging natural hair growth, fuller hair volume, and healthier looking head of natural hair.

The processed blood called the Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) blood, contains rich in certain growth factors, proteins and minerals is injected into the scalp to perform their requisite job in your blood cells of promoting naturally stimulated hair growth.

The PRP procedure of Hair Restoration is suitable for both men and women. The injectable PRP treatment in south delhi which uses the patient’s own blood is a great medical procedure substitute used for the prp therapy in south delhi of baldness, hair loss and hair thinning.


Mesotherapy treatment is a non-surgical cosmetic solution aimed at replenishing hair loss in both men and women. It is injected through injections containing different types of FDA approved medicines, minerals and vitamins.

The procedure was primarily introduced for removing/reducing issues areas in your body such as excess weight, body contouring, face/neck rejuvenation, cellulite and eliminating pain, just to name a few.

Scalp Micro pigmentation

Scalp Micro pigmentation also commonly termed as medical scalp and/or hairline tattooing is one of the promising non-surgical options of hair transplantation which is suitable for both men and women.

For females, it works more like a scalp grooming; meaning that it can help fill area of scantiness and hollow temples. Females with complete bald heads are not a good candidate of pigmentation procedure.

The non-surgical life-changing hair restoration treatment uses natural pigments that are applied at the epidermal level of the scalp to camouflage the natural appearance of real hair follicles or manes – depending on your hair thinning extent, and expected look.


Is this treatment worth it?

It depends from person to person. So before someone opts for any of these treatments a patch test is always suggested so that things are always under control.

These treatments are done under high expertise and supervision. Hair transplant is a nice and effective treatment. We all dream to have beautiful hair and for anything, good little hard work is needed. Hair transplant is a major step to take.

What is the long-term output associated with it?

There are three types of hair transplant treatments. Their output differs from person to person because everyone has a different lifestyle and different scalp types.

The three different types of treatments are as follows:

  • FUE- follicle unit extraction
  • FUT- follicle unit transplant.
  • DHI- direct hair implementation.

These treatments are chosen for a person keeping in mind a lot of facts and figures and then the best is suggested.

Is this treatment permanent?

The lasting of this treatment even depends on various factors.

The factors are as follows:

  • Maintainance:- maintaining the treatment is very important else all can go in vain.
  • Care:- everything in this world needs care so does your precious hair.
  • Regular check up- check-ups at regular intervals are as important as air, water and food because a status update is necessary.
  • Cleanliness:- hygiene and cleanliness are key factors in everything in our life.
  • Lifestyle:- a healthy lifestyle is a massive factor for good hair.
  • Food habit:- say no to unhealthy eating.
  • Water intake:- water will flush out all the toxins and leave healthy hair.
  • Medications:- because hair transplant is a treatment proper medications must be followed for better results.
  • Environment:- a stress-free environment is advised to maintain for everything to be good.

Do hair transplants look natural?

Yes, in most cases it does. It depends on what quality hair follicles are transplanted and from where you get the treatment done and how experienced the doctor is. Not everywhere is a good transplant available.

Before taking such a huge step proper research and counselling is advised by a good doctor. High-quality hair follicles look natural and flawless. Hair adds a lot of confidence and glamour to one’s personality.

How much time surgery takes in general?

Anything good takes time to show results. Hair transplant treatment is no magic. As hair transplant is of three different types it has a different time of completion. Surgery time even depends on the number of grafts implanted.

It even depends on the process opted for the transplant.

  • Follicle Unit Extraction- 4-6 hours.
  • Follicle Unit Transplant- 4-8 hours.
  • Direct Hair Transplant- 2-3 days.

Do all transplanted grafts produce hair?

Maximum grafts produce hair. The implemented grafts are resistant to balding. There might be hair fall. But that particular area won’t be bald again.

Why does the scalp become numb after transplant surgery?

The hair transplantation surgery causes numbness of the scalp. As the body undergoes the surgery it experiences trauma. There are some nerve endings present in the scalp which becomes numb due to the trauma because of the surgery.

Is age a factor in getting a hair transplant?

Yes, age is a major factor in getting hair transplant. Generally 40 or above 40 is the right age for this surgery. This is because the reasons responsible for balding can be examined clearly and the right kind of treatment can be prescribed.

Will the transplanted hair need any special treatment?

  • There are certain special treatments needed after the surgery like PRP.
  • A change in lifestyle is required.
  • There may be restrictions on certain food for a period of time.
  • Regular checkups are a must as it helps to diagnose the after-effects of the treatment.
  • Strenuous work should not be done by the patient for some period of time.